really nice :)
i actually had something of that in class by 2 years ago :) its really cool, i like it... wanna try something funny and cool that few people knw about our eyes??
ok, find a blank white wall with nothing on it(but look at a sopt), close one of the eyes, and let one be open, now you take the finger that is on the same size as your eye is open, then move it around untill a part of your finger is missing (YEAH, that works!!) it is because there is a little spot in both of the eyes that is blind for everyone, we cant see that, because we have 2 eyes... now, if you wanna find it, the spot is on the upper left, no too up and a little bit on the left. f.ex: close the left eye, let the right eye be open and use the left finger raised up and move it around from the left and up really eazy, you will see that there is a missing finger, but when you look back at your finger, it comes back :) .